Quantcast Vegetarian StarPropagandhi Likes Vegan Thai Food On The Road

Propagandhi Likes Vegan Thai Food On The Road

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 1st, 2009 in Bands, Food & Drink, Male Musicians.

Propagandhi on Myspace

Propagandhi on Myspace

Like, really, really, really likes it. 

VegNews magazine recently interviewed Todd “the Rod” Kowalski of the band Propagandhi on their new album, Supporting Caste, which features a satirical song about cooking up food writer Sandor Katz after raising him “humanely.”

The boys go to a lot of vegan restaurants while on tour and can’t get enough Thai food.

“We went to an unbelievable Thai restaurant called Peace Harmony in Sydney, Australia two days ago,” said bassist Kowalski. “We went there four times in two days!”

Um, obsessed much, guys?

Back home in Canada, Todd likes staying in to cook, but will saunter over to his favorite Ethiopian restaurant, Merkato, in Winnipeg.

To read the entire interview with Todd the Rod, visit Vegnews.com.

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One Response to “Propagandhi Likes Vegan Thai Food On The Road”

  1. Natasha Says:

    I love Propagandhi so much! I live in Winnipeg too sadly.It’s so boring here since ther’s nothing to do and it’s not easy to fine vegan alternatives at all. There’s at least a few products here and there.I’d move if I could.