Quantcast Vegetarian StarGabriel George, Sickle Cell Disease Poster Child, Is Vegetarian

Gabriel George, Sickle Cell Disease Poster Child, Is Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 30th, 2009 in Children.



Ten year old Gabriel George is the poster child for the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. Sickle cell disease is a red blood cell disorder that affects mostly people of African descent, but Hispanics and Caucasians can become afflicted too. 

The disease can cause chronic pain, strokes and severe damage to organs, including the spleen, liver and kidneys and although many kids Gabriel’s age have already required many blood transfusions and suffered several strokes, he so far has been relatively healthy. Mom attributes this to prayer and his diet.

Gabriel is vegetarian, avoids junk food, and drinks plenty of water.

He plays violin, likes taking pics with his digital camera, and enjoys bike rides.

Recently, Gabriel, his mother, and other sickle cell disease advocates met with President Obama to discuss the disease.

Source: Statesman.com and Sicklecelldisease.org

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4 Responses to “Gabriel George, Sickle Cell Disease Poster Child, Is Vegetarian”

  1. Future Mrs. Robert Pattinson Says:

    Good for him! So young, yet already realizes the importance of how a good diet can keep you well-even if you do have a chronic disease. And good for his mom for supporting it. I wonder is she is veggie too?

  2. Esther Daniels Says:

    I am one of Gabriel friends he is nice and caring I hope that he will continue to lead others and give them hope and encourage them and say you can do all things as long as you put your mind to it.

  3. Veronica Winsch Says:

    Hi Gabriel! You are an inspiration! I work with children in The Bronx who suffer a lot from SCA. I am very interested in speaking with you and your parents to understand how vegetarianism has improved your health and minimizes pain crisis. Unfortunately, the children I work with tend to eat a lot of junk foods and sugary beverages. I do see some children with parents who pay close attention to food and water intake and those kids seem to do well, so I know that diet is a huge impact on the symptoms of SCA. Any ammunition I can gather to support these children to make the best choices with nutrition is greatly appreciated. I can be contacted at my office: 212-774-1944 or e-mailed at the address given. Thank you and your family for any guidance you can provide. The kids in The Bronx also thank you!

  4. Gabe George Says:

    Wow I just found about about this site about a year ago. People may say I have been an inspiration but I give all the glory to God for this disease and all the people I have been able to help. Many of my doctors still don’t believe my diet is what keeps me healthy. I will continue to advocate for vegetarians and people with sickle cell every where