Quantcast Vegetarian StarRachel Zoe’s Assistant: Vegan Boots Made Of Potatoes, Cauliflower

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Girls are made from sugar and spice and everything nice, but what about vegan boots? How about potatoes and mashed cauliflower?

At least that’s what celebrity stylist Rachael Zoe’s assistant Brad said at a recent Stella McCartney fashion show the two were attending.

Fashionista landed at Stella’s Fall/Winter show and overheard lots of juicy info, including the fact that Rachael Zoe’s assistant needs to take lessons in vegan materials.

“What you don’t have is the only thing that kept the clothes from looking ten years older than Stella’s usually do – the full leg faux-leather boots. They had me gasping for air, prompted Rachel Zoe’s assistant Brad to say, “Bet they’re made from potatoes and mashed up cauliflower,” and will be every vegan’s dream answer to next season’s number one trend.”

But really, what are vegan boots made of?

Some leather-like boots are  made from PVC, which isn’t very kind to the environment, as it contains chlorine, which produces a chemical called dioxin during the manufacturing process that’s been linked to ailments, like asthma. To get around this, the best ethical designers use PU, or Polyurethane, a gentler synthetic.

There’s also polyester, which can be used in satin-looking materials.

The methods for producing vegan shoes are far less harmful to the planet than producing leather, which can’t degrade easily after being tanned. Plus, there’s all the land used to feed the livestock that could used for better purposes, like, plant crops. 

So there  you have it. A brief lesson on the origins of a vegan shoe. Yes, it would be nice if they were made of potatoes and cauliflower. Then all the toenail biters would have something to snack on.

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2 Responses to “Rachel Zoe’s Assistant: Vegan Boots Made Of Potatoes, Cauliflower”

  1. Vegan Boots Says:

    […] Rachel Zoe’s  Vegan Boots Made Of Potatoes, Cauliflower […]

  2. Vegan Boots Says:

    Potatoes and cauliflower? haha, nice article! Enjoyed reading this 🙂