Propagandhi Band Cooks Up Sandor Katz For Humane Meat
Written by Vegetarian Star on March 18th, 2009 in Bands.
Propagandhi has always been an outspoken band on various political issues, including vegetarianism.
All of its members are vegan and their latest album, Supporting Caste, features a song, “Human(e) Meat (The Flensing of Sandor Katz),” which mocks the idea of animals being treated kindly during rearing, only to be slaughtered for food eventually.
“Humane (e) Meat” features cooking up foodie and author Sandor Katz, who evidentally the band isn’t too fond of.
Going to Katz’s website and searching “meat” you get the result, “meat.org” with the words “meat industry, wish vegetarians didn’t own.” The meat.org site is PETA’s site displaying what goes on in factory farms.
“That’s someone cutting bread and some fake screaming over it, for a laugh,” says Kowalski [in regards to “Humane (e) Meat.”]. “[Sandor Katz] wrote a book and [Propagandhi co-founder Chris Hannah] read it. It makes light of the idea of humanely killing animals, and so we kind of just removed the animal, put him in place for satirical reasons, just to show that clearly this isn’t humane.”
Some sample lyrics from “Humane (e) Meat”:
I swear I did my best to ensure that
His final moments were swift and free from fear
But consideration should be made for the fact
That Sandor Katz was my first kill
Every single hair from his body
Gently placed his decapitated head in a stock pot
Boiled off his flesh and made a spreadable head cheese
Because I believe that one can only relate with
Another living creature by completely destroying it
I’m sure Sandor’s friends and family would appreciate this
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June 2nd, 2009 at 4:23 pm
Great band…even better song.
September 7th, 2009 at 4:48 pm
This song is amazing. I read Katz’s chapter on “Humane Meat”…it disturbed me so much I couldn’t sleep well for days and felt nauseous.
September 20th, 2009 at 2:53 pm
This is ABSURD and scary. Sandor Katz and his books and writing have revolutionized vegetarian cooking and vegetarian health. Are these idiots going to write a disturbing, violent song about the author of the joy of cooking are any other cookbook that features meat? I can think of way more harmful ways of thinking than Katz’s. Seriously guys, you gotta pick your battles. Sandor Katz is totally on your team.
September 20th, 2009 at 5:26 pm
i would eat sandor with a fine chianti.
September 20th, 2009 at 5:28 pm
vegans to cannibalism-anti gay to bestiality. hitting every branch on the way down
November 4th, 2009 at 2:14 am
TINO, I guess you don’t get the song. The lyrics – “Because I believe that one can only relate with, Another living creature by completely destroying it. I’m sure Sandor’s friends and family would appreciate this. A rationale so moronic it defies belief…” should give a good hint as to what they’re getting at.
They’re using the terrible idea of cooking human beings to put in perspective how absurd the excuses people make for why it’s okay to murder animals. Of course they’re not talking about how wonderful it’d be to kill and eat Sandor Katz. Don’t be silly. :p
May 16th, 2010 at 6:03 pm
The song is amazing! Maybe you guys should hear it.
August 24th, 2010 at 11:34 am
If veganism leads to cannibalism I think I quit eating vegetables…
There are many similarities in vegans and let say extreme islamist.
You can’t eat food without killing something. Veganism is putting human animals outside of food chain. I don’t think anyone hates worms because they will infest our corpses. Or maybe someone does? This is crazy world!
p.s. vegetables have feelings too
October 2nd, 2010 at 12:27 pm
This band, like most PETA members and apologists, are mentally-disturbed morons. You idiots supporting this need to seriously reconsider your values, and every last one of you owes a personal apology to Mr. Katz.
Killing another human being is murder. Killing an animal for food is not.
October 18th, 2010 at 6:10 pm
Kristoff has not understood the song at all or read the above posts. most vegans gave up after what one may call a”trol” or fool if anyone says vegetables feel pain to are childish and in denial!
be cool headed when posting and this pejorative communication may help rater than anger readers.
November 9th, 2010 at 1:22 am
everyone thinks they know the answer, nobody knows shit. We are all animals who thrive off of one another, whether it be thoughts, ideas, or MEAT. WE ARE ALL ANIMALS,like it or not. It is nobody’s place to judge me. You might as well call yourself a christian.
November 9th, 2010 at 1:28 am
P.S. Kristoff is an R tard. And brad, how do you know? plants are alive, you just cant hear them scream.
November 28th, 2010 at 1:04 pm
I think Sandor Katz is fucking awesome. So too is Propagandhi. But I have to agree with the above statement that Propagandhi needs to pick their battles…I mean, why not dedicate a song to a company engaged in expolitative factory farming than a radical, queer gardner and fermenter who is as passionately dedicated to eliminating factory farming as most vegans? It just doesn’t make sense.
It reeks way too much of the petty sectarianism that the far left and, I hate to say it, but especially vegans are so renowned for. Disagree with Katz all you want, that’s great, call out his hypocrisies too, but why not do it in the spirit of solidarity. What radicals should be doing is engaging folks in dialogue, especially folks who mostly agree with us. To dedicate a song to him as an enemy of vegansim just seems pointless and counter-productive.
February 17th, 2011 at 11:22 am
Plants do scream we just can’t hear them. As soon as one is attached it puts off chemicals to try and protect itself. The nearby plants sense the stress and start omitting their own chemical to protect themselves, except for aone to a few. Those plants that scientists call suicide plants do not raise their defenses which will encourage the insects and other organisms attacking (it unfortunately doesn’t work against humans) to consume the suicide plants only and allowing the other plants to survive. That is some serious looking out for your neighbors.
No matter what you kill to eat (and believe me EVERYONE DOES) you are not murdering, you are transfering energy. Very different than killing it for no reason which is murder. If you butcher a carrot and then through it in a soup-food, in the garbage-murder. Don’t kid yourself that you do not harm. Massive production of grain and legumes is currently killing our planet because of the disregard for the amazing superorganism called the soil.
If you are ready pick-up the book “The Vegetarian Myth” by Lierre Keith who was a vegan for 20 years before she started growing her own food and started seeing food and living beings in a very different light. It is easy to ingnore information when you hire a hitperson to abort the thousands of babies to make your tofu-it is anouther to experience it by growing and loving those babies and then aborting them yourself.
March 17th, 2011 at 4:17 am
Waw, whatis? You have made a capital mistake in your first paragraph: comparing plants putting off chemicals with human or animal emotions such as pain, anger, … The latter or far more complex than a mere secretion of substances. They require a concious subject experiencing it. Not everything is chemistry.
By the way, cutting down meat production and consumption (this does not mean that everyone should be vegetarian) would benefit the planet a lot more than picking on eg grain production. Thanks for the reading tip though, I will check it out (not every vegetarian/vegan is closeminded, a very stupid stereotype).
March 21st, 2011 at 7:12 am
Interesting point of view from a human. I wonder if the plants, etc feel the same. On that note many scientists who create psychotropic meds would disagree that emotions are “more complex than a mere secretion of substances.” There entire field of study is based on that very notion. I am not really arguing with you personally. You sound like a very open geniunely nice person, I am simply supporting my view a little further. Leirre Keith’s book is excellent and it will point out that is is not more environmentally friendly to eat vegetarian unless the non-vegetarian is eating animals raised in unnatural situations, eating an unnatural diet. I do not feel that all vegetarian/vegans are closed minded. They are simply getting a bad rep from some-much like us omnivores. Most of the food that I eat I kill personally so I do sometimes get annoyed about opinions being made about the killing of food. It is deeply personal for me and my family.
March 23rd, 2011 at 7:21 am
P.S. So we do know that humans put off chemicals when they experience fear. This can be easily noticed through smell. So if when we produce a chemical when we are afraid, etc. wouldn’t it be safe to assume that when a plant puts off a chemical when it is under attack then the plant is also experiencing fear. We can’t ask the plant because we do not speak the same language. Similiarly we have placed assumtions that animals experience fear, etc. not because they speak the same language but because we make observations and therefore can make some educated guesses.
Farm animals don’t seem to experience much attachment issues. Put them with a new herd and very quickly most (though not all) readjust and do not seem to remember the old. Different from most humans who seem to take a longert time adjusting. Does that make their lives less valuable. Absolutely not-they are simply more buddist. Plants are even more enlightened from my perspective. Of course, these observations are from my very limited human perspective as defined by the human condition.
Also the research that shows eating less meat is a lower carbon footprint ONLY looks at “Meat” in unnatural conditions, eating unnatural food-Not grazing animals.
June 30th, 2011 at 10:43 am
[…] with all proceeds going to a local animal rescue. I had to have it because Chris Hannah, of Propagandhi fame, contributed a few recipes to it — and I’m a super-nerd. Here’s some info about […]
December 30th, 2011 at 11:58 am
I think Propagandhi have a right to use their music to react to what they have read. It’s what they do – and if you don’t like it, don’t listen – but the song is pretty rad.
January 19th, 2012 at 3:03 am
Katz is advocating the murder and slaughter of animals (no matter how nicely he puts it)
Propagandhi have taken that and put Katz in the position of that animal to see how he would feel
They are not promoting cannibalism, rather denouncing Katz’s advocation for the slaughter of animals using satire
Massive difference
February 24th, 2012 at 7:16 pm
This whole “plants feel pain” argument is ridiculous. Surely any rational person can tell that there is a HUGE difference between slicing a carrot and decapitating a chicken (having to restrain it so it doesn’t go running off, cleaning up the blood and plucking its feathers etc.) A plant does not have a complex central nervous system like animals do, so whatever pain it does feel cannot compare. If you are so empathetic to a plant’s pain, then surely you are mindful of how much worse an animal’s pain is?!? whatever, I am sure you’ll find some other weak argument to justify your unhealthy and unethical eating habits.
April 12th, 2013 at 12:39 pm
Wow. “The Vegetarian Myth” as a defense to meat eating? Do your research, that woman was full of shit. I am vegan, and I don’t know if it’s the right way to live but I sure as hell feel better about myself knowing that I am not causing suffering and pain. You can’t deny reality, the reality is that meat is unnecessary in today’s technology in America – making it in fact murder. It’s ok, plenty of people can’t accept that, but more people are waking up every day… Good luck fellow vegans to continue, and fellow meat eaters to convert. This isn’t Christianity, it’s compassion. I wish more people could hear this song.
March 30th, 2015 at 9:46 am
I accept and understand the argument Propagandhi make with their song, and don’t find it moronic or foolish. However, I don’t agree either. I do understand the contradiction of “humane slaughter” being somewhat of an oxymoron. I’ve seen other vegans present this opinion as well. And they are basically bash the idea of pasture raised (not in cages), without antibiotics, growth hormones, etc (basically NON factory farming methods). Yes, they are right, the end result is death (murder of animals) for human consumption, but the message is “The end result is death humanely raised, or factory raised, so why bother raising the animals in better conditions at all, just to kill them anyway?”. The reality is, the entire world population will never ever go vegan as a whole. Many people will choose to do so, which is great, and I see nothing wrong with people making that personal choice for themselves. That said, farming will always be a fact of life, whether its morally just or not. And I honestly think there is a huge difference between the quality of life of a pasture raised animal, versus once cramped in cages with no room to move, living in their own feces, forced into cannibalism by eating their own kind in ground up meal. The term “human slaughter” itself is an oxymoron. However, the quality of life (albeit short) can be greatly enhanced compared to the factory farming method, so much, that corporations are paying off the Feds to try and shut down these farms by illegal search and seizure. This song takes an All-Or-Nothing stance. When in fact, there is a lot of gray area, and improvements in between that can, and should be taken. Until everybody in the Western World wakes up to murder and converts, there are measures that can help enhance the quality of life in the meantime.
January 12th, 2016 at 4:34 pm
I speak outside what is recognized as the border between “reason” and “insanity”. But I consider it a measure of my humanity to be written off by the living graves of a billion murdered lives. And I’m not ashamed of my recurring dreams about me and a gun and a different species (hint: starts with “h” and rhymes with “Neuman’s”) of carnage strewn about the stockyards, the factories and farms. Still I know as well as anyone that it does less good than harm to be this honest with a conscience eased by lies. But you cannot deny that Meat is still murder, Dairy is still rape. And I’m still as stupid as anyone, but I know my mistakes. I have recognized one form of oppression, now I recognize the rest. And life’s too short to make another’s shorter-(animal liberation now!