Quantcast Vegetarian StarProps To Putin! Wants To End Russia’s Seal Hunt

Props To Putin! Wants To End Russia’s Seal Hunt

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 11th, 2009 in Animal Issues, Politicians.

Russian and Hungarian prime ministers meet for talks

A lot of talk goes on about Canada’s annual seal hunt, but did you know that Russia has one too?

And if Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has anything to do with it, the “bloody industry,” as he called it, will end soon.

Raise the roof for Russia!

“It is clear that [our hunt] should have been banned a long time ago,” Mr. Putin said, according to a statement distributed yesterday by the embassy in Ottawa.

Recently, Russia has stopped the killing of baby seals, or whitecoats. Now it’s looking to stop the killing of all seals, although a timeframe for this has not yet been established.

Proponents of seal hunts say it’s necessary to control the population. But Russia’s seal population has been declining since 1928. Not to mention the cruelness of the act, which involves clubbing a seal on its head repeatedly. 

Canadian seal pelts are marketed to Russia, but no word on whether these will be banned as well. Some sources say that Russia is the #1 country behind China for imported seal pelt products.

The European Union is currently calling to ban the shipment of seal products across member countries.

Source: The Global Mail

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2 Responses to “Props To Putin! Wants To End Russia’s Seal Hunt”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Brigitte Bardot Gives Props To Putin Says:

    […] long ago, we brought you the wonderful news that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had banned hunting baby seals and was looking for a complete ban on all seal […]

  2. Steph Says:

    I am so disappointed in the Prime Minister of Russia and the animal cruelty that he allows. The donkey in the parachute is a testament that not much education and awareness has occurred. What cruelty!