Quantcast Vegetarian StarLarry Hagman, Hall Of Fame Honoree, Spent $1 Million Going Solar

30th Anniversary Reunion Of

Larry Hagman, the actor who became famous for playing J.R. on Dallas, is set to be inducted into the Texas Film Hall of Fame, along with other celebrities like Billy Bob Thorton, Powers Boothe, and Catherine Hardwicke.

We think it’s time we put him in our little green veggies hall of fame.

Hagman is a vegetarian who is really into solar energy. Like, to the tune of a million dollars that he invested to make his homes run on that sunny stuff!

According to Coolerplanet.com, his 25,000 square foot residence gives him an annual energy bill of only $13.

He’s shares his goodies, too.

Since his system provides more than what’s necessary to power his pad, he also supplies solar power to five neighboring homes.

A healthy eater, environmentally conscious, and giving all in one package. Not hard to understand why his wife of 54 years, Maj, has stuck around for this long. You’d be hard pressed to find a man this good, ladies.

Congrats to Larry! Keep up the green work!

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One Response to “Larry Hagman, Hall Of Fame Honoree, Spent $1 Million Going Solar”

  1. Larry Hagman Solar Energy Ads For Solar World (Video) Says:

    […] Ewing was an oil baron while Hagman is as green as green can be, following a vegetarian diet and running his home on solar power. Hagman stars in a series of advertisements for Solar World, a manufacturer for solar […]