Quantcast Vegetarian StarJennie Garth, Peter Facinelli Kids Like Tofu

Jennie Garth, Peter Facinelli Kids Like Tofu

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 2nd, 2009 in Actresses, Children, Couples, Food & Drink.

11th Annual Costume Designers Guild Awards

Jennie Garth has an urban legend surrounding her much like Clint Eastwood did on his veganess.

The former “Beverly Hills 90210” actress and Dancing With the Stars contestant was recently interviewed by Energy Times, where she acknowledged the rumor, said she “hated eating animals,” but wasn’t a vegetarian.

“No, I’m not a true vegetarian,” she said. “I eat chicken and occasionally fish. I hate eating animals, but I have to get some protein in and the best way for me to do that would be to eat chicken or fish, although my kids eat tofu.”

“I don’t eat red meat.”

Hmm…You’d think that while she was sauteing tofu for the little ones, it’d be easy to fix herself a portion as well.

Heart disease runs rampant in the actress’ family and Jennie herself suffers from a leaky heart valve. While shunning red meat certainly helps her manage risk factors for heart troubles, there are numerous studies that show vegetarian and vegan diets prevent all sorts of diseases, including those that break the heart (physically).

Jennie is married to a “vegetarian vampire.” Her husband is Peter Facinelli, the guy who played Edward Cullen’s father, Dr. Carlisle Cullen, in the vampire movie Twilight

Wishing Jennie the best in managing her and her family’s health and hoping she has a tofu nugget or two to the replace the chicken ones she usually eats.

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4 Responses to “Jennie Garth, Peter Facinelli Kids Like Tofu”

  1. The Green Quote: Jenny Garth’s Totally A Vegetarian…SIKE!!! // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] via: looktothestars.org […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Will New Moon Have Peter Facinelli Running To Butcher Shop? Says:

    […] his children with wife Jennie Garth were enjoying tofu stir-fry, he was sinking his fangs into […]

  3. Natasha Says:

    She’s pathetic. If she hates eating animals she wouldn’t them. She was even in a vegetarian PETA ad! She nuts. No one has to eat cruelty for protein.

  4. Buffy Says:

    Many people with severe food allergies CANNOT be vegetarian. Soy is a common food allergen. Soy is from the legume (beans, etc.) family. Which means many (about 50%) of people allergic to soy cannot eat ANY legumes – no chickpeas, no beans (navy, black-eyed, etc.), no peas. Also, many people have celiac disease (cannot consume any gluten). Many people simply have intolerences to grains – wheat, rye, etc. I myself am severely allergic to soy & all legumes and I also have celiac disease. So, I would like to be 100% vegan… but where is my protein going to come from? And hemp is gross… and too closely related to an illegal drug. So, very often… people simply CANNOT be vegan or vegetarian.