Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Jorge Garcia “Lost” On Vegan Marshmallow Bunny

The 2008 ALMA Awards - Arrivals

“They are marshmallows. Or at least marshmallow-like treats.”

“And they claim to be “vegan.” But how can you really tell?”


“Because if you look at this symbol, it seems like they don’t quite understand what “vegan” means.”

“100% vegan. And now with real rabbit.”


—-Lost actor Jorge Garcia, on the irony of how a symbol for a vegan product is an animal. Apparently, the maker of the product, Sweet and Sara, had a rabbit for a childhood pet named Skipper. The bunny logo serves as a symbol that no animals were harmed in the production (ingredients or byproducts) of the marshmallows.

via Ecorazzi

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