Quantcast Vegetarian StarTime Stands Still For Alicia Silverstone At Veg Friendly Geffen Playhouse

Tropic Thunder premiere

Vegan actress Alicia Silverstone is starring in “Time Stands Still,” a play by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, Donald Margulies that’s playing at the Geffen Playhouse

“Time Stands Still” is about a photographer and reporter couple trying to regain a sense of normalcy after the photographer is injured in Iraq. Silverstone plays a friend of the couple.

The Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles is surrounded by many vegetarian restaurants in the Westwood Village, like Native Foods

In addition, it has teamed up with California organic, sustainable vineyards for wine-tasting on Sundays, beginning on February 15.

Good thing, since Alicia is a committed vegan who most definitely needs to grab something delicious during the intermission.

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