Quantcast Vegetarian StarMaya Angelou’s Health-Food Diner Retaliation

Maya Angelou’s Health-Food Diner Retaliation

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 15th, 2009 in Authors, Food & Drink, Not So Vegetarian.

Maya Angelou Signs Copies Of

Maya Angelou is one of the most respected and brilliant poets and speakers of her time. A chance to see her speak live is truly an extraordinary experience. Which is why it’s so disappointing to learn the motivation behind her Health-Food Diner poem.

The poet and author who’s been involved with human rights certainly doesn’t crusade for animal rights. Or at least not when she’s ticked off or offended.

Angelou, who was a big supporter of Hillary Clinton on the recent Presidential campaign trail, walked into a vegetarian restaurant in the 80s where smoking wasn’t allowed. However, there were no visible signs that said, “No Smoking,” so Angelou decided to light one up. It was then when a waitress scolded her for endangering the health of the other patrons.

So Maya wrote Health-Food Diner, praising meat:

Health-food folks around the world
Are thinned by anxious zeal,
They look for help in seafood kelp
(I count on breaded veal)

Ouch! Not only is she praising eating animals, she’s praising eating baby animals taken away from mom just days after being born.

Really, Maya, how cruel can you get?

Wouldn’t it have been better just to write about annoying, granola biting, skinny, health food nuts and wished a bad case of bloating and gas on them from eating too many fibrous foods?

Luckily for her, at least she hasn’t smoked in two decades. 

Source: Chron.com

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