Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Stipe Championed Veg Food At The Grill In Georgia

R.E.M. Performs In Naples

We learned earlier that R.E.M. musicians Michael Stipe and Peter Buck have “code words” for requesting vegetarian food at events.

But it’s not anything new for the Star Me Kitten dudes to speak out when it comes to making sure herbivores have something on the menu for them.

The Grill in Athens, Georgia is a burger and fries, milkshake joint. But when Stipe frequented there in the early 80s when he was a student at the University of Georgia, he made some noise about putting vegetarian items on the menu. It worked and the restaurant still has an extensive vegetarian menu, featuring tofu dogs, fake bacon B.L.T., and veggie wraps.

The Grill is considered a landmark in Athens and has recently turned over its hands to a worker who flipped burgers as an employee for 12 years, Mike Bradshaw, because the most recent previous owner, Jeff Weinberg, didn’t want his joint turning into a Five Guys or Johnny Rockets or other grease fest chain store.

Thank goodness The Grill isn’t losing its veggie religion. There are no plans to change a thing, including the menu.

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