Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Wants V-Day Home Cooked Vegetarian Meal

Carrie Underwood Wants V-Day Home Cooked Vegetarian Meal

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 10th, 2009 in Female Singers, Food & Drink.

51st Annual Grammy Awards - Press Room

Valentine’s Day is approaching and if you haven’t bought your sweetie something nice or planned for the evening, it’s time to get moving.

Carrie Underwood, being the competitive go getter she is, had no problem spelling it out as to what she wanted for Valentine’s Day, according to KBS Radio.

“It’s nice to go out, occasionally, but it’s nice to stay in, too. I’m more of a stay-in, probably, kind of girl. And I’ve never had a guy cook for me. So I think it’d be really awesome if the guy just kind of, you know, put a lot of thought into it. . . made the atmosphere nice. Maybe light some candles or make some decorations or something to sit around, and make me a good meal, a home-cooked meal.”

“I’m a vegetarian, too, so you’d know, it’d be like he went through some thought and looked up a recipe that he figured I would like, and you know, complete with dessert, of course.”

Is she dropping a big hint to Ottawa Senators hockey player Mike Fisher, the latest male candy she’s been romantically linked to?

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3 Responses to “Carrie Underwood Wants V-Day Home Cooked Vegetarian Meal”

  1. The Green Quote: Carrie Underwood Wants Home-Cooked Veggie Meal For V. Day // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] vegetarianstar.com photo credit: prphotos.com No […]

  2. Vegan Bites: Valentine’s Edition Says:

    […] Carrie Underwood is after my husband! Just kidding, but she says she wants a home cooked vegetarian meal for Valentine’s Day. Lucky me, I’m getting that! (link) […]

  3. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Carrie Underwood Wants It Everyday! Says:

    […] Carrie Underwood had previously mentioned she wanted a  home cooked vegetarian meal for Valentine’s Day. […]