Lance Bass Should Say “Bye, Bye, Bye” To Last Name?
Written by Vegetarian Star on February 9th, 2009 in Male Musicians.
This is one of the reasons PETA gets a bad rep with people.
Out of good intentions, the group has jokingly suggested that former ‘N Sync singer and “Dancing With the Stars” contestant Lance Bass change his last name from “Bass” to “Sea Kitten.”
You see, bass is a type of fish, and since PETA is doing much to promote their Sea Kitten campaign meant to increase awareness that seafood is as full of life as other animals (and shouldn’t be eaten), it has suggested that Lance changing his name would do much for the campaign.
“Not content with the reams of newsprint that have already been dedicated to our Save the Sea Kittens campaign, we’re going for a little more face time for our finned friends by asking Lance Bass, the former ‘N Sync singer and “Dancing With the Stars” alum, to change his last name from “Bass” to “Sea Kitten.” We hope Lance goes for it hook, line, ‘N Sync-er. (Badump-bump.)”
Sure, it’s meant to be humorous, but doesn’t PETA have better things to do with their time? How does this further animal rights? Asking a man to change his name is like sending him to the vet for an irreversible population control procedure. Just put some naked ladies on a video. That’s much more effective.
Remember what happened when Taco Bell asked 50 Cent to change his name to 79 Cent for the sake of their tacos and burritos? It’s wasn’t a pretty scene in da courtroom club.
Focus on the real kittens, sea and land. Leave Lance Kitten alone.
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February 12th, 2009 at 1:22 pm
[…] already stated our position on asking a man to change his name for a PETA campaign. Now it looks like PETA Jr., or peta2.org, is doing the same thing, and created a list of bands […]