Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney: Renaissance Man Who Cooks A Mean Veg Lasagna

Paul McCartney in the West Village

Nancy Shevell will have it made if she finally ties the knot with ex Beatles Sir Paul McCartney. A man who can cook makes the best husband, hands down. 

McCartney was being interviewed by Entertainment Weekly when it was mentioned he’s such as well rounded man-musician who plays most of the instruments on his albums, poet, children’s book author, and artist who drew the artwork for his album.

“Such a renaissance man,” EW suggested. “Can you bake too?”

“Well, I did make a vegetarian lasagna recently, one Linda used to make. I found it in a book in the kitchen and I thought, can I really do this? But I did and it was quite delicious”

Paul has had many years of practice cooking vegetarian since he and late wife Linda’s Christmas without turkey, where they crafted a macaroni and cheese “turkey” in place of the real thing.

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