Quantcast Vegetarian StarMaggie Q Wants To Spice Things Up For You

Maggie Q Wants To Spice Things Up For You

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 30th, 2009 in Actresses, Models.


PETA sure knows how to fire up your senses when it comes to women and even though hot peppers aren’t needed, it never hurts to toss them into the picture.

The latest spicy ad promoting vegetarianism is one that has made a comeback specifically for PETA Asia Pacific.

Maggie Q, actress and former fashion model, is inviting you to “Spice Up Your Life,” (in what appears to be Chinese writing).

“Going vegetarian is one of the most rewarding decisions I’ve ever made. I feel better, I have more energy on and off the set, and I have the satisfaction of knowing that I’m doing something to help stop animal suffering.”

Going vegetarian could possibly be the most rewarding decision you’ll ever make and coming in a close second would be putting this as a wallpaper background on your computer.

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