Quantcast Vegetarian StarJudge John Deed: Written By Vegan, Played By Vegetarian

Judge John Deed: Written By Vegan, Played By Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 26th, 2009 in Actors.

When Will Smith’s Seven Pounds came out, there was a lot of talk about the vegan themes present throughout the movie, leading you to believe someone involved with the production was a vegetarian or vegan.

There’s no guessing vegetarians were at the center of one British drama that aired for almost a decade. Judge John Deed was the longest running BBC legal drama, debuting in 2001 and concluding in 2007, when actor Martin Shaw became involved with another television program.

“Judge John Deed” is a vegetarian, played by a vegetarian-Martin Shaw. The show was written by G.F. Newman, a vegan writer and producer who also had a hand in the Law and Order Dramas.

Newman, like Shaw, has been outspoken about his beliefs and insists that no meat is eaten on the sets when he is producing or directing shows.

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