Indian Supreme Court Agrees With Pamela Anderson
Written by Vegetarian Star on January 25th, 2009 in Actresses, Animal Issues.
Many animal rights activists are cheering now that an Indian Supreme Court has ruled not to kill the stray dogs in Mumbai, a case that received lots of attention in the media due to Pamela Anderson’s interventions.
She wrote a letter to officials asking that instead the dogs be sterilized, citing evidence that this was more effective.
“Dogs cannot use condoms, but with the municipality’s help, they can be ‘fixed’ — painlessly, quickly and permanently,” she said.
India’s Supreme Court ruled that a dog could only be put down if it were rabid, mortally wounded, or incurably ill.
“A dog cannot be exterminated because it barks,” senior lawyer Fali S. Nariman told the court.
A spokesperson for PETA, Anuradha Sawhney, said that Anderson going public with her opinions and giving the case so much attention may have affected the decision.
“It makes people realise that a lot of people do care about these animals,” she said.
“I think the main thing here is that we need to make people realise how important these dogs are and there’s really nothing demeaning in having a stray dog. They’re just another dog.”
Source: Yahoo News
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