Quantcast Vegetarian StarVeg Man Chris Martin Hates Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop: Wonder Why

Musicians arriving at the 2008 Q Awards held at the Grosvenor Hotel - London

It’s no secret we have jumped on Gywneth Paltrow’s turkey eating behind for her website Goop, which has regularly recommended a plethora of meat dishes, even though she has claimed that she and hubby Chris Martin are “pretty much vegetarians” at home.

It seems that husband Chris, frontman for Coldplay, has issues with her site as well. According to Showbiz Spy, the website is causing friction in their marriage.

“He hates any exposure outside of what he considers necessary – his music, charity work and her acting. He thinks Goop’s self-indulgent and hates the speculation that the advice she gives on relationships or family problems may be an insight to their own personal life.”

Granted, the source did say family problems or relationships. However, Chris might be also ticked off that the site is causing other types of speculations. Like maybe, they actually eat turkey in their personal life? Chris has been known to be a vegetarian for some time, (World’s Sexiest, to be exact) before Gwyneth even told everyone about their “pretty much vegetarian” life at home.

The source continues, “Gwyneth doesn’t want to come across as a hypocrite.”

But oh, how she is doing so.

“She knows people will think that advice she’s put on the site is a reflection of what’s happening in her own life, but if she distances herself from those assumptions, people wouldn’t buy into Goop.”

So that’s it! Gywneth really isn’t a turkey burger eating, fish sucking gal at home after all. She’s just pretending to be to attract carnivorous fans.

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