Quantcast Vegetarian StarBarack Obama Has Vegetarian Half Brother, Mark Ndesandjo

Barack Obama Has Vegetarian Half Brother, Mark Ndesandjo

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 18th, 2009 in Politicians.

President-elect Obama Whistlestop Train Tour begins in Philadelphia

Although the Obama family has been thrust into the spotlight (and will no doubt remain there for at least four years), there’s one relative of Barack’s that has managed to avoid publicity.

But his privacy might not last long.

Mark Ndesandjo is the half brother of Barack Obama who has been living in Shenzhen, China, a city near Hong Kong, for the past seven years.

He’s vegetarian, but still helped start a chain of BBQ restaurants in China called Cabin BBQ.

He’s also an accomplished piano player, recently playing a charity concert to raise money for orphans in China, speaks Mandarin, and practices Chinese calligraphy. Working as a strategic marketing consultant by day, he’s finished an unpublished novel called “Nairobi to Shenzhen.”

Like hundreds of thousands of others, Ndesandjo’s making the trip to the U.S. capitol for his half brother’s inauguration on Tuesday.

You can view of photo of Mark playing the piano, and learn more about him at the Chicago Sun Times.

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One Response to “Barack Obama Has Vegetarian Half Brother, Mark Ndesandjo”

  1. Elaine Vigneault Says:

    hahhaha! I have some half brothers, too. Aside from the undeniable family resemblance, we’re not much alike.