Quantcast Vegetarian StarEric Stoltz No Andre 3000: Wants Elaborate Last Meal

Eric Stoltz No Andre 3000: Wants Elaborate Last Meal

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 10th, 2009 in Actors, Food & Drink.

5th Annual Designing Hollywood Gala

Andre 3000 Benjamin is no George Bush and would love to have broccoli as his last meal.

However, actor Eric Stoltz (Mask, Pulp Fiction), who currently is guest starring on “Grey’s Anatomy” as a death row serial killer, dreams of something a little more elaborate and gasped at the idea that the budget for a death row inmate’s last meal is $30.

As a vegetarian, he frequently treats himself to dishes of pasta with eggplant and mushrooms and insists that he would have a “smorgasbord of all the different foods.”

One of those foods is pizza, but he insists that’s still too simple for a last meal.

Perhaps a death row catering compliments of one of the top eight vegetarian restaurants would suite his fancy?

via That’s Fit

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