Quantcast Vegetarian StarJimmy Fallon Going Back To The Vegetarian Roots

Jimmy Fallon Going Back To The Vegetarian Roots

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 26th, 2008 in Bands, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

38th Annual NAACP Image Awards - Show

Actor and comedian Jimmy Fallon will be replacing Late Night host Conan O’Brien next spring on March 2nd, and he’s picked The Roots to be his house band.

Scratch, Rahzel, Black Thought, ?uestlove, Hub, and Malik B. all once recorded a video advocating vegetarianism. The band has been through some changes, Black Thought and ?uestlove are the only great men remaining who appeared in that video and it’s not certain whether other band members are vegetarian, but The Roots has generally been thought of, as a veg band.

Incidentally, Kevin Eubanks, a musician on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show, is also a vegetarian, and was voted the sexiest male vegetarian in 2007.

Break out the hummus and pita chips. Late night TV just keeps getting veggier.

Source: Paste Magazine

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