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Khloe Kardashian Shows Throwing Red Paint On People Works

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 19th, 2008 in Fashion, Fur, Reality TV.

Khloe Kardashian Unveils Her PETA

Since Khloe Kardashian showed off her voluptuous figure in defense of the animals, she’s taken some heat from some in the media posting old pictures of her in her fur wearing days. Quick to respond, she wrote on her blog:

“As some of you might have seen today, there are several people who have taken to the web calling me a hypocrite and posting photos of me wearing fur.”

“The reason PETA approached me initially is because in my past I did wear fur and they wanted to educate me on the brutal ways in which animals are skinned for their pelts. After watching their video once, I was so horrified that I immediately swore off fur…”

“I have changed my ways and I hope that many other people will as well.”

Score one for PETA, zero for Kid Rock, who thinks all PETA does is throw paint on “little Hollywood actresses that can’t defend themselves.” We’re pretty sure Khloe got a nice letter from PETA, rather than paint on her coat, though.

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2 Responses to “Khloe Kardashian Shows Throwing Red Paint On People Works”

  1. Elaine Vigneault Says:

    On Kid Rock: It’s pretty insulting, too, the assumption that women can’t defend themselves. Please.

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Khloe Kardashian Keeping Up With Fur-Free On Reality Show Says:

    […] also talked about the experience stripping down to her bare booty for a PETA anti-fur ad, admitting it was hard getting naked at first, but in the end, she was glad she could partake in […]