Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Fires Bomb Back At Kid Rock

PETA Fires Bomb Back At Kid Rock

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 11th, 2008 in Fur, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Kid Rock at MTV's TRL Total Finale Live

Kid Rock recently expressed his interest in “going to war” with PETA, because he loves fur and is upset that supporters of the animal rights group protest in the manner in which they do.

“I’m just willing the animal rights protesters to chuck some red paint on me,” he told Britain’s Mail.

Never start a fight you can’t finish, as now PETA has fired back some harsh words for the Kid, hinting that his hostility is directed towards the group because his ex-wife, Pamela Anderson is a supporter and vegetarian.

“Hell hath no fury like a man scorned. Though his relationship with PETA pal Pam Anderson ended years ago, Kid Rock is clearly still wearing his heart on his fur sleeve,” PETA said in a statement to Gigwise.

“Maybe one day this kid will grow up and grow out of his cruel wardrobe.”

Kid Rock said he had “every kind of animal” in his wardrobe and fur was his “biggest extravagance”.

It was rumored the Pamela divorced him partly because of his love of hunting.

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  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Pamela Anderson Tells Queen Fur Bad For Sex Life Says:

    […] Kid Rock’s gonna be steamed about this […]