Quantcast Vegetarian StarThom Yorke, Alicia Silverstone Top Greenest Of Them All

Radiohead Perfom At Victoria Park In London

Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who’s the greenest of them all?

Vegetarianism and environmentalism go hand in hand. You really can’t discuss being eco-friendly without at least talking about reducing meat consumption.

So it’s no surprise that several known vegetarians as well as some rumored vegetarians have popped up on the Coventry Telegraph list of greenest celebrities.

There’s vegan Thom Yorke of Radiohead, who refused to play in Glastonbury earlier this year, because the city had poor public transportation and he and the band felt that was damaging to the environment.

Vegan Alicia Silverstone has long supported PETA, but also has her own organic vegetable garden in the yard of her solar powered home she shares with her husband.

Natalie Portman attempted to make things greener for shoe fashionistas by starting her own vegan shoe line and donating a portion of the profits to charity. Although Te Casan closed shop, she still leads by example, never failing to let the media know she’s vegan, and filmed a video for National Geographic about how replacing regular light bulbs with energy saving light bulbs would have the environmental impact of taking millions of cars off the road.

Read about what the other celebs that made the list, including Brad Pitt, Leonardo Di Caprio, and Jack Johnson are doing at the Coventry Telegraph.

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