Quantcast Vegetarian StarShahid Kapoor’s Dog May Fart Less Due To Vegetarian Diet

Shahid Kapoor’s Dog May Fart Less Due To Vegetarian Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 6th, 2008 in Actors, Bollywood, Food & Drink.

Following the trends of Alicia Silverstone and Paul McCartney, a Bollywood actor has decided to put his puppy on a vegetarian diet.

Shahid Kapoor is a vegetarian Bollywood babe who once dated fellow Bollywood babe Karena Kapoor, also vegetarian.

According to Bollywood Celeb Den, a source revealed that, “Shahid has put his doggie on a veg diet. The poor animal is not allowed to eat any sort of meat!” And not even the bone.

While the source may feel sorry for this dog, we know he or she is getting the good stuff! And like Alicia Silverstone’s dogs, he’s probably not farting nearly as much as before. The dog, that is. We can’t speak for Shahid.

Photo: India FM on Wikimedia Commons

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2 Responses to “Shahid Kapoor’s Dog May Fart Less Due To Vegetarian Diet”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Kareena Kapoor Not Vegetarian: That’s Bull#$*! Says:

    […] had dated Shahid Kapoor and during that time they both became vegetarian. Shahid’s recently even gotten his dog […]

  2. dheeraj Says:

    hey anyone knows shahid kapoor’s dog’s name…..???????