Quantcast Vegetarian StarGordon Ramsay Visits Vegan Restaurant Kitchen Nightmare

Gordon Ramsay Visits Vegan Restaurant Kitchen Nightmare

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 2nd, 2008 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Image: Greg Gayne/FOX

Gordon Ramsay has an on again, off again fondness for vegetarians, and he recently visited a vegan restaurant in Hollywood, Sante La Brea, that was in need of a makeover for an episode of “Kitchen Nightmares” which aired November 20th.

Before we get any further, we’d like point out a serious WTF flaw in the menu. Although they claim to be a vegan restaurant, they serve fish and chicken, something which confused Ramsay, to say the least. Don’t worry Gordon, this confuses us too.

Apparently, the restaurant offers many vegan options on the menu and any entree can be made such by requesting unchicken or tofu. However, there are items with real chicken in tofu sauce, which doesn’t seem to make any sense, but that’s probably one of the reasons why Gordon was there to rescue them.

Here’s the lowdown on what happened:

Gordon is fed a turkey melt, which he is not impressed with and feeds to a dog. Turkey, yuck! Good for him. But he didn’t necessarily have to insult the dog like that.

A plate of tofu with overcooked vegetables and overcooked, lumpy rice does not impress him either. “Shocking. My God!” he exclaimed. Rotten eggplant is just one of the many delightful wonders he finds in the kitchen refrigerator.

Humorous highlights include Ramsay playing a joke on owner Dean Hamoui by having the police handcuff him so he can’t do everyone else’s job, forcing the employees to learn for themselves.

It was a happy ending and Hamoui was quoted in Eater, saying the best thing about working with Ramsay was, “The fact that he fixed things up. There are plenty of problems that I wanted to fix, and when Gordon came he actually put the lid on all those problems—my sons straightened out, Mark [the manager] quit coming with crazy ideas. I needed someone to help me put it back on the map.”

via Reality TV Magazine

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