Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul McCartney Says Meat Eaters Causing Global Warming

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Paul McCartney has been outspoken on the effects of a vegetarian diet and the planet, advocating people to cut meat from their diet for one day of the week to produce significant environmental improvements. Now he’s teaming up with a scientist who will back up his word even more.

In a letter to The Independent, McCartney and Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), write:

“Unfortunately, with higher incomes, societies, even in developing countries, are turning to greater … consumption of animal protein, which reduces the availability of food grains for direct consumption by impoverished human beings.”

“Already 60 per cent of food crop production in North America and western Europe is being diverted for production of meat.”

Both McCartney and the scientist are vegetarians, with Paul being one for 30 years and Dr. Pachauri for eight.

The letter goes on to cite evidence of meat consumption destroying the environment such as a 2006 report by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, which stated 70% of former forests in the Amazon have been turned over to grazing and livestock now use 30% of the world’s land surface.

via The Independent

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