Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul And Linda McCartney’s Macaroni Turkey

Paul And Linda McCartney’s Macaroni Turkey

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 28th, 2008 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Paul And Linda McCartney

We made it through Thanksgiving, one of the major meaty holidays, but now it’s time to start thinking about Christmas.

May we suggest Paul McCartney’s macaroni turkey?

Paul and his late wife Linda became vegetarians in the 70s. One Christmas, Linda was experimenting in the kitchen, trying to come up with a meat-free dinner.

“We had all the trimmings but we needed something to simulate the turkey,” Paul told the British newspaper Daily Express. “So Linda made macaroni cheese. It was good, then she let it stand so it went solid and I was able to slice it. It kind of worked so we called it the macaroni turkey.”

Sounds like a plan.

Nowadays, when Paul and his daughters are together, they enjoy the Vegetarian Roast, one of the products in the Linda McCartney food line.

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One Response to “Paul And Linda McCartney’s Macaroni Turkey”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Paul McCartney: Renaissance Man Who Cooks A Mean Veg Lasagna Says:

    […] has had many years of practice cooking vegetarian since he and late wife Linda’s Christmas without turkey, where they crafted a macaroni and cheese “turkey” in place of the real thing. […]