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Amitabh Bachchan Urged To Remove Meat From Live Earth Menu

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 27th, 2008 in Actors, Bollywood, Food & Drink.

An Evening With Amitabh Bachchan

Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan has been urged to only serve vegetarian food at India’s Live Earth festival on December 7th, 2008. Bachchan is the spokeman for this year’s event.

Live Earth is an annual event which features live performing artists and talks given by famous environmentally conscious people (Al Gore is in this year’s lineup) to raise awareness about environmental issues. Peta’s letter to Bachchan equates serving meat at a festival about improving eco-friendly relations to giving out cigarettes at an anti-cancer event. Ouch! Point taken.

“On behalf of PETA, India and all our members and supporters, we respectfully ask you to kindly ensure that no meat is served at the event by urging the event’s organisers to honour the spirit and goal of Live Earth by serving only vegetarian food, ” said Peta’s Chief Functionary, Anuradha Sawhney, in a letter to Bachchan.

“By doing so, you will send a strong message, that people can save the planet simply by changing their dietary habits. After all, selling meat at a concert to benefit the environment would be like selling cigarettes at a cancer charity fund-raiser.”

“We also hope that you will take the opportunity to talk about the benefits of a vegetarian diet during the event, thereby educating millions of people watching worldwide. The animals and the environment would thank you – if they could – for taking such a noble step on their behalf.”

Some celebrities expected to perform include Will.I.Am, Anoushka Shankar, and Bon Jovi.

via India Express

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