Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Vegan Moby Doesn’t Judge Meat Eaters

2008 Woodies Awards are presented in New York

“When I was about 18 years old, I had this realization — I’ve always loved animals, I love my dog, I love my cat — and I had this simple realization that I wouldn’t want to be involved with anything that would cause my dog to suffer, therefore I shouldn’t be involved in anything that causes other animals to suffer. That led me to be a vegan.”

“I do try to be a nonjudgmental vegan, so if someone chooses to eat meat that’s their choice, just for myself and keeping my conscience relatively clear, I choose not to.”

—-Moby, in an interview with Pelly Twins. He does a lot of work with the Humane Society because he thinks they’re, “really effective legislators.”

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful: Vegan Moby Doesn’t Judge Meat Eaters”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Meatless Mouthful: Dennis Kucinich Another Non-Judging Vegan Says:

    […] Moby, he thinks you can talk the talk, but not force the walk. Who would’ve thought a suit […]