Quantcast Vegetarian StarObama’s Got Beef With Beets, Overpriced Arugula

Obama’s Got Beef With Beets, Overpriced Arugula

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 14th, 2008 in Food & Drink, Politicians.

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George W. Bush’s father, the first presidential Bush, hated broccoli. Barack Obama dislikes the tastes of beets. It appears the right and the left aren’t too different when it comes to having vegetable pet peeves.

Obama hates beets and makes it a policy to “always avoid eating them.”

Earlier on the campaign trail he shared a similar view with Erykah Badu, mentioning that Whole Foods was an expensive place to buy produce, arugula in particular.

Although good for you, there’s no doubt some vegetables taste so bad you don’t want to touch them with a 10 foot carrot pole. Which vegetables would you make it a policy to abolish from the White House if you were office?

via Seattle Times

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2 Responses to “Obama’s Got Beef With Beets, Overpriced Arugula”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Michelle Obama Breaks Ground For White House Vegetable Garden Says:

    […] keeping with Barack’s preference, there won’t be any beets in there, but arugula will have its place, along with several other plants that the First Family will use to […]

  2. Constance Marie Dines On Salad Every Night Says:

    […] The first reaction to this is yuck! Who wants to munch on overpriced arugula every night? Certainly not Barack Obama! […]