Quantcast Vegetarian StarTim McIlrath And Rise Against Scoot For Vegan Cheese Steak

Tim McIlrath And Rise Against Scoot For Vegan Cheese Steak

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 12th, 2008 in Bands, Food & Drink.

The boys of Rise Against don’t take themselves too seriously. They just like to scoot around.

To entertain themselves while on their current tour to promote the album Appeal To Reason, they’ve brought along scooters so they cruise around the cities they play. Singer Tim McIlrath told Rolling Stone:

“Now, instead of being cooped up in a venue all day, we can just cruise around town. It keeps us sane.”

The all vegetarian group keeps from getting hungry by requesting platters of raw vegetables, Gatorade, and Diet Dr. Pepper backstage.

One night they used their big boy toys to hunt for some vegan cheese steaks before a show.

Wheels, food, and a venue filled with women who love rock and roll. What else could a man asked for?

via Just Scoot
Photo: Tim McIlrath of Rise Against
Credit: Shayne Kaye on Flickr

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2 Responses to “Tim McIlrath And Rise Against Scoot For Vegan Cheese Steak”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Meatless Mouthful: Rise Against’s Brandon Barnes On A Burger’s Origin Says:

    […] band Rise Against. The guys in the all vegetarian band like to stick with the much less disgusting vegan cheese steaks when out on the […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Tim McIlrath Of Rise Against Talks Burger King’s Progress Says:

    […] all veg band Rise Against likes to have a little fun while searching for food on tour, like using scooters to get them to eateries of their […]