Quantcast Vegetarian StarDoes Peta Forgive Russell Brand’s Dead Animal Tossing Too?

Does Peta Forgive Russell Brand’s Dead Animal Tossing Too?

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 3rd, 2008 in Actors.

Russell Brand Portrait Session

So Peta stands by its people (unless they decide to wear fur after pledging not to or are caught munching on pork rinds by the paparazzi). Even though Russell Brand’s association with their vegetarian starter kit brought complaints and criticism due to an on-air prank he participated in, they stood by their decision to keep him as the cover boy. But do they know about his dead animal toss up act a few years ago?

An article from Female First has recently been brought to attention that Russell Brand once performed a live show where he threw dead animals at the audience. If you could only afford front row seats to that one. Granted, he didn’t eat the dead animals or ask anyone in the audience to taste them.

But still, does Peta know about this? Not that it will change their opinions, but how does this change your opinion on him? Do you find this completely unacceptable for a person promoting a vegetarian lifestyle?

Obviously, people change their ways and no one is perfect. This is just one of the many items on Brand’s shock record, which include an arrest for stripping in a protest march and filming himself taking a bath with a homeless man and living with a prostitute.

via g7UK

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