Quantcast Vegetarian StarDaryl Hannah Says “Jump In The Deep End” For Greener Living

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Central Florida Green Guide had the wonderful opportunity of interview Daryl Hannah recently. Sure, she’s an environmentalist, activist, outspoken veg gal who seems to be an overachiever when it comes to the above issues and it might be a little intimidating for the rest of use mere non famous mortals. No excuse, according to her. The easier way to get involved with becoming greener is to just “jump in the deep end.”

“I would say – go for it! Jump in the deep end! It’s great in here, and there are so many fantastic options available to consumers now that really work. Get the toxic cleaners out from under your sink and the toxic chemical detergents out of the laundry room. Buy organic food from your local farmers market. Change your light bulbs to compact fluorescents. Start a garden. Start composting.”

Going meatless is another way to get yourself greener. She became vegetarian after she realized she could no longer dissociate herself from the food she was eating.

“I became a vegetarian at age 11… and I just couldn’t gnaw on the flesh of creatures anymore. It grossed me out. The health and environmental benefits turned out to be a bonus! Often I find that when I do something from pure compassionate place, aspects I never considered seem to benefit as well – illustrating how we are truly interconnected to all life. The meat industry not only suffers from inhumane practices but is also complicit as the 3rd largest contributor to our global warming crisis.”

Read the full interview, here.

via Central Florida Green Guide

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