Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlmost Vegan Andre 3000 Benjamin Eats Honey And Wears Leather

Almost Vegan Andre 3000 Benjamin Eats Honey And Wears Leather

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 18th, 2008 in Male Musicians, Male Singers.

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The veg half of the duo “Outkast,” is the first to admit he’s not the militant vegetarian that people label him. Although he won the 2004 Sexiest Vegetarian Title by PETA, he’s never done any work for them. In addition, he follows the mostly vegan diet, but not necessarily vegan lifestyle.

“I still eat honey and wear leather,” he told Rolling Stone.

He made some internet waves a couple of months ago after a photographed receipt from a restaurant showed he left no tip for a waiter who claimed to have bent over backwards to bring the ex partner of fellow vegetarian Erykah Badu a vegan meal.

Andre is currently working on a solo album that should be out at the end of this year or early next.

via Rolling Stone

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One Response to “Almost Vegan Andre 3000 Benjamin Eats Honey And Wears Leather”

  1. RoaR28 Says:

    Kinda interesting how a man is not willing to “poison” his body with things such as flesh…But he is more or less willing to let that meat rot in a corner,just so he can sell/make $$$ off lamb skin hats,and all sorts of other expensive luxury leather “goods”… Interesting…

    I am vegan,i DO wear used leather… …Would i go to the trouble of cutting meat out of my own diet,yet take millions of dollars in return for the mear dead SKIN of another living being?…Fuck NO!

    Im a huge fan,and to each his own…but…i personally just find that logic out too lunch!!!…and NOT a good green lunch either…LOL