Quantcast Vegetarian StarPet Names For Death Cab For Cutie’s Chris Walla Include “PETA Guy”

Death Cab For Cutie Play Sydney

Chris Walla is a vegetarian who loves his Amy’s Kitchen Frozen Meals. He’s also done work for PETA and is so passionate about veg issues, his bandmates, Nick Harmer and Jason McGeer have nicknamed him, “The PETA guy.”

And although Nick and Jason are not vegetarian, they follow the Morrissey workforce culture and abstain from meat while on tour.

“We’ll roll that way for an entire tour just because it’s just easier having food brought in or prepared,” Jason said.

“It’s easier to say the whole band is vegetarian because we can eat that, for sure, [but] they [Chris Walla and Ben Gibbard] can’t eat the other options,” Nick added.

Good idea. Not only is it easier for Chris and Ben, but it may just be job security as Morrissey’s crew would be terminated if any burger in their mouth wasn’t Boca.

via Look To The Stars

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