Quantcast Vegetarian StarRZA Introduces His “RZA Veggie Burger”

RZA Introduces His “RZA Veggie Burger”

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 12th, 2008 in Actors, Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Premiere of Columbia Picture's

As promised, we like to bring you oldies but goodies. RZA is an actor, rapper, musician, and producer of the group Wu-Tang Clan. Born Robert Diggs, he uses an awful lot of other names such as Bobby Digital, Ruler Zig-Zag-Zig Allah, Bobby Steels, Rzarector, Abbott, and Prince Rakeem.

A year ago when he was touring in Europe, Time Out took a little time out to ask him questions about his veg lifestyle. He’s created his own veggie burger, the RZA Burger. With all the stars doing their own food lines lately, we’re wondering if the RZA burger can give Boca a run for their money. One catch though: The RZA burger is served on waffles!  While we’re not flocking to the stores to request them, maybe there will be a niche market somewhere.

You’re touring Europe right now with the Wu-Tang Clan. I know you keep a strict vegetarian diet—what are you eating over there?
The Grand Hyatt in Berlin definitely came strong with the spicy rigatoni. Berlin also had a good butternut-squash soup. In the old days it was terrible over here for a vegetarian. Nowadays they stepped their game up, yo. The whole Clan’s been saying it.

What’s a RZA burger?
A RZA burger is a veggie patty with a fried egg, cheese, lettuce, pickles and all that, smashed between two delicious waffles. Spread mustard and mayo on it with a little butter and put that shit together. Trust me, son, that shit needs to be in stores.

I’m sold. Do you bust out the grill on tour?
If I have my special tour bus ready by then, you may be able to get a burger. If I’m on the regular tour bus, then bong bong.

Read the rest of what RZA, Bobby Digital, Ruler Zig-Zag-Zig Allah, Bobby Steels, Rzarector, Abbott, and Prince Rakeem have to say here.

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4 Responses to “RZA Introduces His “RZA Veggie Burger””

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Chris Walla’s Peanut Butter Veggie Sausage Toast: Sounds Wrong But Tastes Good Says:

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