Quantcast Vegetarian StarEven Vegan Moby Thinks You Sometimes Have To Break An Egg

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Dear Senator Obama…

“This might be a strange analogy for a vegan to use, but if you want to make an omelet
you have to break a couple of eggs. Start breaking some eggs.”

Vegan Moby decided to write a letter to Senator Obama in the Huffington Post to urge him to fight even harder for an upcoming presidential election victory. His less than warm feelings for McCain are shown by attacking his knowledge of both politics and geography:

“Dear senator Obama: FIGHT BACK. You’re battling a dimwit who doesn’t know the difference between Sunni and Shi’ite, who still refers to countries that ceased to exist in 1993(Czechoslovakia), and who believes that Iraq and Pakistan share a border.”

He’s also a little less than pleased at how the recent Democrats have challenged the G.O.P:

“In 2000 they slandered Al Gore as saying he invented the internet and was an elitist. And he fought back how? Oh, that’s right, he didn’t. And in 2004 they slandered John Kerry by questioning his military service. And he fought back how? Oh, that’s right, he didn’t. And now they’re slandering Obama in a hundred insidious and incorrect ways. And he’s fighting back how? Oh, that’s right, he isn’t.”

Judging from Moby’s criticism, Obama may have to start throwing a few punches to at least make the junior varsity team.

Read more of Moby’s pep talk here.

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One Response to “Even Vegan Moby Thinks You Sometimes Have To Break An Egg”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Famous Veggie Quote By Common Says:

    […] along with other famous and celebrity quotes by people like Kate Bush and Moby, are located at Happy […]