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Daryl Hannah Grows Own Food, Defends bio-fuel

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 5th, 2008 in Actresses, Environment-Eco-Green.

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Actress Daryl Hannah grows her own produce and thinks bio-fuel is still a better option, despite some blaming it for the rise in food prices, since the production of ethanol uses food crops.

“I’ve personally witnessed the devastation in the Amazon that the oil companies have wrought upon these indigenous communities. There are open, unlined waste pits, rainbow oil slicks on the streams, high cadmium and lead poisoning in the children and wildlife. When you see these crimes, you have no choice but to speak up,” she said.

“In the case of ethanol and corn production. it is partly responsible” (for food price rises),” Hannah admitted in an interview.

But she insists that there are other sources that bio-fuel can be harvested from, including, “garbage, hemp, algae, moringa, jatropha, cellulose waste and prairie grasses.”

The vegetarian once told a source that she found it very upsetting to eat a lobster on the 1984 Movie, “Splash.”

via Reuters and IVU

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2 Responses to “Daryl Hannah Grows Own Food, Defends bio-fuel”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Daryl Hannah Only Puts The Gift Horse On Her Feet Says:

    […] Deceiver.com has made an entire website out of this. So when a known vegetarian actress, supporter of bio-fuel, and all around green activist gal Daryl Hannah was spotted wearing a pair of suede shoes, of […]

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