Quantcast Vegetarian StarSecond VegiTerranean For Chrissie Hynde

Second VegiTerranean For Chrissie Hynde

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 31st, 2008 in Female Musicians, Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Farm Sanctuary Gala 2004

Chrissie Hynde is looking to expand her restaurant business and open a second VegiTerranean in Columbus, OH. In 2007, she opened the first in her hometown of Akron.

Although nothing is definite yet, calls to the restaurant confirm a working plan to expand.

Earlier this month, The VegiTerranean put 2 of its vegan burgers on display at the National Hamburger Festival.

The original plan was to open the Columbus restaurant by this summer, but we all know good things take time.

Hynde’s partner Dan Duplain told the Columbus Dispatch they eventually want to have restaurants in every major city in Ohio. The current vegan menu features vegan Italian food and items named for famous Ohio residents such alcohol-free cocktails named after the Alcoholics Anonymous founder Dr. Bob Smith.

The Pretender’s singer grew up in Ohio and attended Kent State University for awhile. She now resides in the U.K.

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3 Responses to “Second VegiTerranean For Chrissie Hynde”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Political Plates: Obama Vegetable Pizza, Dennis Kucinich Tan Moderate Says:

    […] chef Scot Jones of The Vegiterranean, a vegan restaurant co-owned by him and Pretenders Rocker Chrissie Hynde in Ohio, suggested that regardless of what party you root for, you must admit your favorite […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Vegans, Like Chrissie Hynde, Still Got It In There 50s Says:

    […] Chrissie Hynde will be celebrating the 1st anniversary of her Vegiterranean, a vegan restaurant she opened in her hometown of Akron, Ohio, this […]

  3. ciekawe przepisy Says:

    Shes not!