Quantcast Vegetarian StarTofu Will Keep Pamela And Tommy Together

Tofu Will Keep Pamela And Tommy Together

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 7th, 2008 in Actresses, Couples, Male Musicians.

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Motley Crue rocker Tommy Lee recently reunited with ex-wife and mother of his children, Pamela Anderson and is convinced his turning vegetarian played a big role in it.

It seems men will do almost anything in desperation.

“I recently went vegetarian and this is week four. At this point I was down to trying anything I hadn’t done yet,” says Lee.

The gesture apparently impressed Pamela and the two have been going strong since.

After Pamela and Tommy divorced, Pamela had brief marriages to Kid Rock and Rick Solomon. Let’s hope this time to couple’s romance will last longer than green onions in the lettuce crisper.

via Stuff.co.nz

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One Response to “Tofu Will Keep Pamela And Tommy Together”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Pam’s Love Won’t Stop Tommy’s Roving Eyes For Hot Burger Babies Says:

    […] Lee agreed to go vegetarian as an attempt to win back his ex wife and mother of his children, Pamela Anderson. The plan worked for awhile, but it seems as if his […]