Quantcast Vegetarian StarJulie Henderson Does Vegan Beauty With Au Naturale Cosmetics

Julie Henderson

Julie Henderson is promoting a line of animal-free cosmetic products.

At an event for Au Naturale, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit model discussed the benefits of using the non-toxic products.

“Since they’re all organic and vegan and gluten-free, it’s nice to finally have a product you can put on your body.”

Vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics worn by high-profile models is something to cheer about, but don’t expect to throw a party for Henderson eating like she keeps her beauty regime.

“No, not so much. I try to eat as healthy as possible, but I’m also human,” she said.

That’s one more human helping to end the countless painful and cruel tests done to animals in the name of vanity.

Photo: Porter Hovey/Creative Commons

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