Quantcast Vegetarian StarRicky Martin Life Secret May Be A Vegetarian Diet

Ricky Martin Life Secret May Be A Vegetarian Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 1st, 2014 in Food & Drink, Male Singers.

Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin may have the secret to endless beauty.

Or would that be endless handsomeness?

Men, take note, because the hot Latin singer who recently guest judged on Dancing with the Stars told Ok! Magazine his diet may have something to do with his ability to shake his hips like he did years ago with Menudo.

“I love what I do. I think that’s important. I’m vegetarian. I just became vegetarian about three years ago. I don’t know if that works,” Martin said.

Just seven weeks after going veg, Martin sent out a Tweet in both English and Spanish, announcing how great he felt.

““7 weeks on a #vegetarian diet! I feel amazing! #NoFish #NoRedMeat #NoChicken” he wrote, along with “Tengo 7 semanas con una alimentacion totalmente #Vegetariana! Me siento increible. #NoFish #NoRedMeat #NoChicken.”

Looks like the only chicken he knows these days is the rescue one PETA named in his honor.

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