Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Joe Yonan Green Bean Artichoke Hazelnut Salad

Joe Yonan

France hasn’t always held the best reputation for being vegan friendly.

Some have even proposed that to be a real Frenchman (or Frenchwoman), you have to eat cheese.

But while dining with company at a restaurant in Paris, Washington Post food editor turned vegan Joe Yonan experienced a vegetable salad that puts any American tossed with iceberg greens to shame.

“This salad, at Paris’s bustling modern brasserie Lazare, takes delicate haricots verts and turns them into something substantial,” writes Yonan.

Haricots verts are thin French green beans used in the salad.

Many vegetable salads are sprinkled with nuts for extra protein and taste.

This recipe uses hazelnuts, as well as oil from the same plant, but you can easily substitute olive or another nut oil.

Experience Paris in your home tonight with Yonan’s Green Bean, Artichoke and Hazelnut Salad.

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