Quantcast Vegetarian StarIggy Pop Wants Michigan To Protect Wolves

Iggy Pop Wants Michigan To Protect Wolves

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 14th, 2013 in Animal Issues, Male Singers.

Iggy Pop

Iggy Pop is backing a movement in his home state to prevent wolves from being hunted for sport, a measure many current residents of Michigan agree with.

The iconic singer supports the Keep Michigan Wolves Protected campaign and has written a letter to Governor Rick Snyder in protest of the state’s first sanctioned wolf hunt in decades.

Such a hunt has not taken place since the animals were put in protective status in the 1960s.

Pop wrote:

“As a Michigan native and someone who has cared about animals, both wild and domestic, for as long as I can remember, I was dismayed…that a bill you signed last May (S.B. 288/P.A. 21) gave Michigan’s Natural Resources Commission the authority to decide which animals can be hunted…which resulted in the first authorized wolf hunt since wolves underwent state protection in 1965.”

Advocates of the hunt cite increasing interaction between wolves and residents, as well as problems with wolves and livestock as justification for bringing it back.

Animal support groups have gathered thousands of signatures and emails from residents in the state who protest such a measure. A vote was supposed to take place in 2014, allowing residents to give their input. However, legislators went ahead and approved wolves to be designated as game by the Natural Resources Commission, taking them off a list for protected animals and allowing them to be hunted.

Photo: Gothmeister/Creative Commons

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