Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Bachelor” Sean Lowe Tweets Vegan Fiance Catherine’s Steak Indulgence

Catherine Guidici

When Catherine Guidici agreed to become engaged to Bachelor Sean Lowe, part of her reason had to be his sense of humor.

The star of the popular reality TV dating show posted several Tweets and he and Catherine’s experience at the steakhouse.

Apparently, Catherine is a champ at speed eating beef.

The two spent the day at Big Texan Steak Ranch, a restaurant known as the “Home of the World’s Famous 72 oz Ounce Steak” and where the only vegan items are basically the side salads.

Catherine is a known vegan with a Meatless Monday column in a newspaper in her hometown of Seattle.

Sean tweeted:

“@clmgiudici just finished the famed 72oz steak in 20 minutes. She then asked for extra mac and cheese and a side of fried okra.” He then added, “Update: @clmgiudici just pooped an entire cow. True story.”

We can assume that Sean is joking.

We hope.

Other juicy tidbits from the pair’s date include Catherine’s ability to do the kids crossword puzzle all by herself.

It’s no wonder this girl beat out all the rest.

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