Quantcast Vegetarian StarIreland Baldwin Modeling A Flexitarian Vegan Diet

Ireland Baldwin Modeling A Flexitarian Vegan Diet

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 3rd, 2013 in Food & Drink, Models.

Ireland Baldwin

Ireland Baldwin is the daughter of actor and animal activist Alec Baldwin, but she’s not living off her father’s fame.

The 17-year old who stands over six feet tall announced on her Twitter account that she’s just signed a modeling deal with IMG.

Baldwin tall and slim physique fits the profile of a supermodel and judging from her food diaries she entered on her Tumblr account, she may serve as a role model for healthy eating as well.

Anyone who visits her Twitter account will be met with a picture of a giant burger.

And it’s probably not veggie.

However, the future cover girl writes that while she does like to indulge in a beef patty, many of her meals are vegan.

Her morning snack consists of a hearty shake with vegetable protein powder and non-dairy milk.

“I workout most mornings, and depending on my workout, I will either have a protein shake consisting of vegan vegetable protein powder (chocolate flavor), bananas, hemp milk and ice. Some mornings, I have a green smoothie with almond milk, pineapple, spinach, kale, parsley, mint, lemon and a little raw honey or agave. If I didn’t work out at all, I have an apple or a pear.”

And dinners are often sans meat as well.

“If I eat entirely vegan for dinner, I eat the same quiona bowl variation as suggested for lunch.”

Examine Baldwin’s entire menu plan here.

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