Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Mark Bittman Greek Pasta

VB6 Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman, founder of the “vegan before six,” has written a guide to his flexitarian eating plan.

VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 will hit the shelves next month, but the New York Times food writer has never been a stranger to plant-based foods.

Many of his columns are devoted to more sustainable eating–which includes leaning away from meat.

And his previous cookbooks like How to Cook Everything Vegetarian have always made room for those that get their protein sources from grains and legumes.

This Greek pasta recipe is one from his earlier books, Food Matters.

It contains all the traditional elements of a pasta salad from the Mediterranean: classic bowtie pasta, juicy tomatoes, fresh lemon and olives.

Expect to see more delicious recipes like these next month in VB6.

Until then, grab the recipe for Bittman’s Greek pasta here.

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