Quantcast Vegetarian StarRicky Martin Gets Rescue Chicken Sponsored In His Honor By PETA

Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin has spent the last couple of months living the vida vegetarian and PETA has decided to sponsor a rescue chicken after him in his honor.

The chicken is named Olivia, and she spends her days at the Kindred Spirits Sanctuary in Florida “taking dust baths, roosting in trees and relaxing in the sun.”

Olivia’s sponsorship comes just in time for Meatout, an annual holiday on March 20 that encourages people to explore vegetarianism.

“PETA is delighted that Ricky is sharing with his millions of fans how increíble he feels as a vegetarian,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “He’s not alone: People who go vegetarian boost their energy and cut their risk of heart disease, cancer, and obesity—and they help save animals like Olivia, too.”


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