Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Dirt Candy Hush Puppies With Maple Butter

Dirt Candy A Cookbook

Amanda Cohen‘s Dirt Candy Cookbook has given these hush puppies the description of: “like crack: cheap, easy, and people can’t get enough of it.”

Luckily, like many of the items Cohen serves at her NYC restaurant with the same name as her recently released cookbook, this drug can be veganized by substituting the one egg, milk and butter.

Also like the Iron Chef competitor’s restaurant, Dirt Candy contains no recipes for meat or seafood. Filled with several comics, one recurring character is Dion–a cow that walks you through vegan substitutions, step-by-step.

You and Dion can have fun in the kitchen replacing Cohen’s whole milk with soy, egg with replacer and butter with a non-dairy version like Earth Balance and enjoying each of these bite sized breaded goodies drenched in a maple syrup butter batter.

Grab the recipe for Hush Puppies with Maple Butter here.

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